Photo Vogue selects the best of global photography each week. Needless to say, the Vogue teams are particularly meticulous about the images they endorse! You can imagine our pride in being featured in Photo Vogue with these photos, captured on 35mm film, raw, straight out of the lab scanner.
Vogue rewards authenticity here and validates our increasingly less retouched work. Inspired by the sincerity of backstage fashion show images, by emotions and moments of life, while maintaining our French style rooted in fashion, our art is thus recognized.
But more than a moment frozen on film, authenticity is above all a moment of life and sharing, and it was Emily and Evan who offered us these magical moments on their beautiful wedding day at the Country Club North Carolina, on the Pinehurst golf course! The couple gave us their complete trust and "carte blanche" to document the most beautiful day of their lives.
So it was between rounds of golf and the ceremony, between the reception and the dance floor, that we had the freedom to capture these images. Unfortunately, the rainy weather didn't allow us to photograph the ceremony outside, but this gives us the opportunity to do so at a future wedding at CCNC. After all, they are beautiful, they are happy, and they have been featured in Photo Vogue... we must leave some magic for others, ahah!
CCNC Wedding in Pinehurst, NC